Tuesday, August 5, 2008

My one and only post on the topic...until he wins, anyway.

I've made it a point to stay out of political discussions and to just cast my vote and keep quiet about it. I'm breaking that just for this post.

I'm 26 years old. I registered to vote when I was still in high school, but only because one of my teachers was giving us extra credit for it. I never "used" my regstration, and I'm pretty sure the card got left in a pocket and put into the washer.

Then Obama came on the scene, and I voted for the first time in the primary. I like this guy. He's not creepy, he's well-spoken, and all of his ideas make sense to me. I listened to his energy speech from Lansing, MI yesterday and by the time he was done my neck was sore from nodding the whole time.

Barack Obama may be new, he may be a radical change from what this coutry is used to, and he may be somewhat less experienced in some areas than other people. But he's managed to pique this politically apathetic nonvoter's interest in politics for the first time, and that's something.


Anonymous said...

Yay, this makes me very happy! Welcome to the voting crowd.


Cthings said...

That is great you are voting! I think is it very important. He does give great speeches!

T.Allen said...

Good for you! I think (though many may, and have disagreed) that voting for the lesser of two evils happens far too often and until someone piques your interest it is as much your right to withold your vote as it is to place it.

Stela said...

That's right!!!
This post makes me happy