Monday, April 14, 2008

"Real jobs" give you a day off, so I'm taking one too.

From the beginning, I've tried to treat my Etsy shop as a real business. I've got a big file for all of my receipts, I track my sales, I registered my LLC, and am currently navigating the forms to get my Sales and Use Tax permits squared away.

But there is one aspect of "real jobs" that I have neglected. I've been working 7 days a week on this since November 2007, and have not taken a full day off for myself that entire time. Not even when I'm sick or hurting so bad from my fibromyalgia that I can barely move. Not even for the Daytona 500 (which is a high holy day in my house).

Today is the day. I'm not sick, I'm not hurting particularly bad, and i'm not ven particularly fed up or burned out on working on my shop. I do, however, want to prevent that from happening. So I'm going to do some laundry, maybe take a bubble bath with an Anne Rice book, and if I feel like it maybe I'll work on finishing my second sock. But I will not make items for my shop, I will not do a photo-shoot, and I will not spend half the day in the forums. Nor will I run up to check my email and shop counts every hour. In fact, I think once i've finished this post, I am going to turn my computer off for the rest of the day. I suppose I'll have to check for sales before I go to bed tonight, but that's okay.

So farewell for now, I'm off to make my toes pruney!


Sleepy Cat Hollow said...

YEA to days off! Wrinkle those tootsies! :)

DECA Candle and Bath said...

That's a great idea! Everyone needs a day off once in a while.

We know what you're talking about though, with your own business it's hard to get a day off even for illness.

Enjoy your day.